Building a Reader at Home
- Explore Books! Give your child the opportunity to explore books. Visiting a library or bookstore gives your child a chance to find topics and books that interest them.
- Read, Read, Read! Make sure to read for at least 30 minutes per day! Children can read independently, aloud to an adult, or back and forth with a partner.
- Ask Questions! Predictions, Characters, Main idea, Problem, Solution, Retell Story, Genre, Moral
- Make it Fun! Reading shouldn’t be a chore. Intentionally read with your child/discuss books but also research topics and do book activities together.
- Be an Example! Children learn by example, so let your child see you read whether it be a book, newspaper, cookbook, etc.
- Pick Good Fit Books! A book that is a good match for your child should meet the following requirements:
- Purpose for reading
- Interest
- Can they understand what they are reading?
- Can they retell the story?
- Do they know most of the words?
Point out and read words in natural settings…stores, streets, etc.
Memorize sight words
Visualize the story in your head
Ask questions before, during, and after
Don’t immediately tell an unknown word to your child. Instead ask them to:
- Sound out the word
- Break the word into parts
- Try a different vowel sound (long/short)
- Use illustrations for clues
- Skip the word, re-read sentence, and go back…what word makes sense?
Notice interesting, new vocabulary words, and make it a challenge to use them in conversation
Read with expression
Explore Informational books and their text features (diagrams, table of contents, etc.) along with other genres as well
Compare and contrast books
Discuss connections to literature
Think of new titles for books
Explore multiple books from the same author